
I Know You Want Real Results.

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Great Advice 

“Great Advice” is a collection of ideas and experiences about living life and work to the fullest. This book is an indispensable guide to managing career success, providing day-to-day leadership guidance, and most importantly it will inspire you to raise your game! You certainly don’t want to miss this gem and enjoy every page delivered with passion and creativity.

Global Career

This book discusses how to take your career from good to great, so that you get a place on the world stage. The first part of this book contains a simple and powerful framework that can be used as a strategy for success, and the second part contains profiles of fifteen successful sources in various fields at the global level.

The Brain Master

His name became very well known after successfully operating a tumor in the brain stem in 2001 which in the previous era was referred to as “no man’s land” by neurosurgeons. This section is indeed an area that is risky to the touch and difficult to reach.

Go Global

The world is increasingly connected, competition continues to increase, and those who are able to seize opportunities, adapt, and work in this global world will be the winners. Going global does not mean you have to move, live and work abroad.

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Thanks you for the super lunch, Pak @handi.kurniawan. Sharing session and great lunch. Actualize the aspiration and dream needs passion, work hard and value he values itself. Thanks for the lesson, Pak! Always admire you ! As my father said, “only learn from the best!” And sure today i did. Gan en

Riani purnamasari

Humanitarian, Special Projects, Strategic Communication, Indonesia

Surround youself with people that relect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious. Bertemu dengan bapak @handi.kurniawan, salah satu juri saat aku ikut Pemilihan Duta Wisata Indonesia 2015. Salah satu penulis yang hampir setiap bukunya sudah ku baca. Terima kasih untuk “bekal buku” nya, pasti akan sangat berguna. One statement i love “I play to win”

Dea Rizkita

Puteri Indonesia Perdamaian 2017, Miss Grand Indonesia 2017